About the Journal

Arsir: Jurnal Arsitektur is an accredited journal by Indonesia Ministry of research. This journal contains scientific articles of research results, conceptual papers, case study reports. It registered with p-ISSN: 2580-1155 and e-ISSN: 2614-4034. The first edition, Volume 1 Number 1 June 2017, was published in 2017. The journal publication was maintained by the Architecture Department at Muhammadiyah University of Palembang, Palembang, South Sumatra.  All Articles manuscripts are published after a thorough peer-review process. The contents of Arsir are as follows:

  • Architectural Design
  • Theory and History of Architecture
  • Housing and Settlement
  • Urban Design and Planning
  • Building Technology
  • Computation Architecture


Arsir: Jurnal Arsitektur adalah jurnal yang terakreditasi oleh Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia. Jurnal ini terdiri dari artikel ilmiah sebagai hasil dari penelitian, naskah konseptual, laporan studi kasus. Jurnal ini terdaftar dengan nomor cetak p-ISSN: 2580-1155 dan digital e-ISSN: 2614-4034. Terbitan perdana, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Juni 2017, diterbitkan pada tahun 2017. Publikasi jurnal ini dikelola oleh Prodi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang. Semua naskah yang dipublikasikan telah melalui pemeriksaan oleh mitra bestari.

Jurnal Arsir berisikan kajian sebagai berikut:

  • Perancangan Arsitektur
  • Teori dan Sejarah Arsitektur
  • Perumahan dan Permukiman
  • Rancang Kota dan Perencanaan
  • Teknologi Bangunan
  • Komputasi Arsitektur/ Arsitektur Digital


Article Submission


Due to the increase in manuscript submissions ahead of the publication schedule, which is June and December. So we hope that the authors can prepare their manuscripts at least 4 months before the publication schedule. This is to avoid the manuscript not being published because the manuscript quota has been met. For the 2024 edition, the manuscript for June 2024 (Vol.8 No.1) has been fulfilled in May, so some other manuscripts are allocated for December 2024 (Vol.8 No.2). This also means that the December 2024 issue is likely to meet its quota in August 2024. For one edition, Arsir journal limits a maximum of 11 manuscripts, which will then be reviewed in accordance with the development of this journal.

Read more about Article Submission

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Arsir
					View Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Arsir

Arsir: Journal of Architecture is a journal accredited at Rank 4 by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on decree No. 79/E/KPT/2023 which was determined on May 11, 2023. This journal consists of scientific articles as a result of research, conceptual papers, case study reports. This journal is registered with print number p-ISSN: 2580-1155 and digital e-ISSN: 2614-4034. This journal publication is managed by the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang.

Published: 09.03.2024


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