Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to The Digital Information Technology Journal (Jdigital, ISSN: 2686-4185 and E-ISSN: 2714-9706) will be evaluated for publication through 2 stages of review, namely pre-review and substance review.

In the first stage, the Jdigital editorial team evaluates the suitability of the article with the focus and scope of the journal as well as the journal style and guidelines of certain Jdigital authors. All articles outside the scope will be rejected. Jdigital uses Google Scholar software and Plagiarism Checker X for plagiarism and checking the similarity of articles submitted and for writing using Mendeley. Evaluation duration is between 1-3 weeks.

Substantial single-blind reviews were carried out by at least two reviewers - evaluation duration between 3-12 weeks after the review assignment. If desired, the reviewer can request a review after the author has revised the article.

The Editor in Chief validated the decision whether the article could be published taking into account the recommendations of the reviewers. Jdigital publishes In-Press issues that contain articles received for faster indexing. Jdigital also published a camera-ready article on In-Progress issues before the publication of the regular edition.

If you want to be a reviewer for the Digital Technology Information Journal, please fill out the online Application Form. You must provide a few descriptive words about your review interests. We will register you as a reviewer and author in the Jdigital within three working days. Your account information, i.e. username, and password will be sent to your e-mail.