Author Guidelines


Journal of Global Sustainable Agriculture received manuscripts/articles relating to the sciences of Agricultural (Agribusiness, Agro-technology, Fisheries, Forestry, and Food Processing) in accordance with the focus and scope. Also, the requirements of the manuscript/articles, is not or has never been published in magazines or other journals, and is the result of his own work is not plagiarism or citing the results of other authors' articles.

Writing Form Submission / Articles:
Paper size: A4, Margin: top 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm

TITLE, written with some important choice of words carefully, rightly, well, interesting and organized with trace. The title is written in capital letters, Arial typeface, 12pt, bold, centre flat

AUTHORS, containing the name (without title) with the letters Arial, 11pt, bold, underline, title case and centre flat, agency/company where the author works complete address (fax/phone, email address, institution address, zip code), and include one author correspondence (first author email address) with Arial, 9pt, title case and centred.

ABSTRACT, with a brief description of why the research was conducted, the approach or method is chosen and the important results in English are placed before the manuscript, one column, right-left (justified), space 1, Arial 11pt, italic, with maximum 250 words.

KEYWORDS 3-5 (five) words/phrases, Arial, 11pt, italic, left flat.

THE MANUSCRIPT contains Preliminary Chapters, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions and Suggestions. The manuscript is written in the form of two columns, the distance between the columns is 0.7 cm, the right-left (justified); space 1, Arial 11pt. Chapter Title, Arial, 11pt, bold, uppercase, centre flat. Title Sub-chapter, Arial, 11pt, bold, title case, left flat.

PICTUREILLUSTRATIONS are numbered and titled. Image Title is placed under the picture/illustration and written with Arial typeface, 11pt, bold, title case, centre flat. The citation source is clearly listed under the title of the image (if the image/illustration is the result of the quote) with Arial, 9pt, title case, centred.
TABLES are numbered and titled. Table titles are placed on top of the table and written with Arial, 11pt, bold, title cases flat right-left (justified). Resources are listed clearly below the table. If there is a description of the table is placed under the source table with the letters Arial, 9pt, title case, left flat.

REFERENCES  All references should be written down in reference tool manager i.e. Mendeley using American Psychological Association (APA) style. As an example:
Cigna, A.A., Burri, E. 2000. Development, Management and Economics of Show Caves. International Journal of Speleology 4 (1) 2000: 1-27.
Nurrochmat, D.R., Hasan, M.F., Suharjito, D., Hadianto, A., Ekayani, M., Sudarmalik, Purwawangsa, H., Mustaghfirin, Ryandi, E.D. 2012. Political Economy of Forestry. Undoing the Myths and Facts of Forest Management. Jakarta: INDEF.
Thesis / Thesis / Dissertation:
Abdulah, L. 2010. Model of Forest and Land Change Dynamics and Trade Scenarios
Carbon in Jambi Province [thesis]. Bogor: Graduate School, Bogor Agricultural University.
Khomsan A. 2006 Jun 7. Malnutrition and a foolish nation. Compass, Opinion Rubric: 4 (column 3-7).
Articles in Proceedings:
Wery, Sudirman LMI, Gunawan AW. 1994. Growth and Development of Schizophyllum Commune In Vitro and In Vivi. Inside: The Role of Microbiology in the Food Industry. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting; Bogor, August 20, 1994. Bogor. Bogor: Association of Indonesian Bio-Microbiology Bogor Branch. pp. 170-177.
Fauzi. 2003. Reliable institutional development of agroindustry in Bogor. [November 23, 2008].

The manuscript can be sent to:

Editorial Board

Journal of Global Sustainable Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture University of Muhammadiyah Palembang
Jl. General Ahmad Yani 13 Ulu Palembang, 30263.
Tel: 0711 - 511731

The submission could be sent by e-mail with address or
Or online submission to