Analysis on Thermal Comfort in the Architectural Design Studio:

The KH. Mas Mansyur Building at Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang


  • Zulfikri Zulfikri Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
  • Ramadisu Mafra Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
  • Riduan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang



activities, SNI, studio space, thermal comfort, tropical climate


Thermal comfort plays an important role in supporting activities and concentration in the architectural design studio room of FT UM Palembang. As a tropical city, Palembang faces the challenges of high temperatures, >80% humidity, and intense exposure to solar radiation. This study analyzes the thermal comfort in the studio and provides design recommendations that are suitable for the tropical climate. Analytical descriptive methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches are used through the measurement of temperature, humidity, and air velocity in air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned spaces, referring to SNI 03-6572-2001. The results show that air-conditioned rooms are more comfortable (22.8°C–25.8°C) according to SNI standards, while air-conditioned rooms often exceed 27.1°C which is categorized as hot and has the potential to reduce user comfort. Indoor activities increase the temperature, but are more controlled in an air-conditioned room. The study recommends natural ventilation, efficient thermal materials, and energy-efficient technologies to create comfortable and environmentally friendly study spaces.

