Counseling on Packaging and Labeling of Processed Pineapple Products for SMEs and Women Farmer Groups in Seri Kembang 1 Village, Payaraman District, Ogan Ilir Regency
dodol, pineaple syrup, packaging, labelling, selling vallueAbstract
Extension is an activity carried out to provide information or educate a group in order to gain more valuable knowledge. In the P3N KKN program, our extension program specializes in labeling and packaging, which will be carried out with the aim that Seri Kembang I village has the potential to process pineapple fruit. These products are Dodol, pineapple syrup, and pineapple fiber. However, this product is only known to local circles. Because there is no proper label and the product is still packaged simply. Then the next goal is that pineapple processing MSMEs and women farmers do not only focus on selling simply, but there is added value to the product commercially, as for the dodol and pineapple syrup products in Seri Kembang I Village, they always take part in activities such as exhibitions, national competitions, and competitions between villages in Ogan Ilir Regency. Dodol and pineapple syrup in Seri Kembang I Village already have many consumers but have not yet been commercialized. With this outreach activity, hoped that farmer groups and MSMEs in Seri Kembang I Village, Payaraman District will be able to be independent and can improve starting from packaging.
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