Author Guidelines

The authors who will submit his/her writings to the Differential: Journal on Mathematics Education must follow the rules of writing articles here:

  1. Articles will be sent to the Differential: Journal on Mathematics Education is a article that had never been published to other journal and author of the original work (not the result of action of plagiarism).
  2. The article is the results of research and studies in the field of Mathematics Education  which in accordance with the scope of the Differential: Journal on Mathematics Education.
  3. The article consisted of the title, the author's name accompanied by name, address of the institution or agency affiliate and email correspondence, abstract, introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and references. Title, abstract and key words are written in Bahasa Indonesia and English. The keyword of abstract should be representative.
  4. References can be sourced from various references, such as textbooks, textbooks that are summarized by the editors, book translations, thesis/theses/dissertations, journals, proceedings, and newspapers. Bibliography written by following the style ofthe onsite the American Psychology Association (APA Style), as listed in the journal template. Featured articles that have more than 50% of references of the journal.
  5. Articles are written using Microsoft Word (doc,. docx) on A4 size paper with the following style onsite Differential: Journal on Mathematics Education.
  6. The article is typed using Times New Roman font single spacing.